Reverse negative population trends in rabbit populations in order to attain an IUCN threat categoria of “Vulnerable”, thereby contributing to the conservation of the main species that prey on rabbits.
Lessen the damage caused by rabbits to agriculture via the implementation of approved measures.
Foment communication between all parties interested in improving rabbit populations and environmental managment.
Protect, conserve and improve the natural capital of the Iberian Peninsula.
Improve evaluations of the state of habitat conservation using rabbits as an indicator species.
Ensure that healthy rabbit populations are compatible with competitive, sustainable and quality-based agricultural production.
Contribute to the PAC programme with suggestions and proposals.
Safeguard the rabbit’s role as an ecosystem engineer that affects the composition of plant communities, soil structure and the populations of various species of invertebrates and small vertebrates.
Strengthen populations that are ecologically (as prey) and/or socio-economically (as small-game) relevant.